Josephine Ferraro, LCSW - NYC Psychotherapist

Psychotherapy, EMDR, Hypnosis & Sex Therapy

Psychotherapy, EMDR, Hypnosis, Somatic Experiencing & Sex Therapy - In Person and Online Therapy

412 6th Avenue, New York, NY 10011
(917) 742-2624

Email: [email protected]


My Articles About Psychological Trauma

OnLine Therapy, also known as Teletherapy, Telemental Health and Telehealth, is available during the COVID-19 Crisis

Phone: (917) 742-2624  or Email: [email protected]

What is a Trauma Therapist?

What is Complex Trauma?

8 Tips For Coping With Emotional Triggers

Using "Anchors" to Cope With Trauma-Related Triggers

Tips on How to Stop Overthinking

How to Use Pattern Interruptors to Stop Overthinking and Worry

Getting to Know the Many Parts of Yourself Through Parts Work Therapy

Trauma Therapy: Can You Learn to Trust Your Therapist When You Weren't Able to Trust Your Family?

Family Estrangements Between Parents and Adult Children

How Can Trauma Therapy Help to Cope With Family Estrangement?

How to Overcome Shame Spiraling

5 Reasons Why Hope is Essential to Your Well-Being

Overcoming Trauma: Learning to Separate Past Traumatic Experiences From Current Experiences

Unresolved Trauma Can Make It Difficult For You to Feel Secure Even in a Healthy Relationship

Riding the Waves From Trauma to Transformation With Experiential Therapy

The Benefits of Somatic Experiencing Therapy to Overcome Trauma

Reacting to the Present Based on Your Traumatic Experiences From the Past

Working Through Psychological Trauma: Learning to Separate "Then" From "Now"

The Impact of Parentification Trauma on Adult Romantic Relationships

Coping With Perfectionism in Your Relationship Due to Unresolved Trauma

Coping With Psychological Trauma: What Are Emotional Flashbacks?

Psychological Trauma Often Creates Negative Expectations About the Future

Overcoming Trauma: Making Friends With Your Inner Critic

Overcoming the Trauma of Parental Alienation

The Impact of Parentification Trauma on Adult Relationships

Psychotherapy and Transgenerational Trauma

Overcoming the Trauma of Childhood Sexual Abuse

What Happens When You Numb Yourself to Your Traumatic Past?

Overcoming Philophobia: A Fear of Falling in Love Which is Often Related to Unresolved Trauma

Contemporary Psychoanalysis and EMDR Therapy: A Powerful Combination to Overcome Trauma:

Expanding Your "Window of Tolerance" in Therapy to Overcome Trauma and Other Emotional Problems:

The Mind-Body Connection: Looking Beyond the "Happy Talk":

Developmental Trauma: "This is Who I Am" vs "This is What I Do":

Using Imagery as a Powerful Tool in Trauma Therapy:

Developmental Trauma: Living in the Present As If It Were the Past:

Overcoming Developmental Trauma: Developing the Capacity to Put Words to Feelings and Sensations:

Developmental Trauma: The Client's Hopes and Fears in Psychotherapy: http://Developmental Trauma: The Client's Hopes and Fears in Psychotherapy

Trauma and the Fawn Response: People Pleasing to Avoid or Diffuse Conflict

Trauma and the Fawn Response: A Clinical Vignette

What is Traumatic Narcissism?

Integrative Psychotherapy: Psychotherapy and Somatic Mindfulness to Overcome Developmental Trauma:

Integrative Psychotherapy: Psychotherapy and Somatic Mindfulness to Overcome Developmental Trauma - Part 2: http://NYC Psychotherapy Blog: Integrative Psychotherapy: Psychotherapy and Somatic Mindfulness to Overcome Developmental Trauma - Part 2

Posttraumatic Growth: Developing a Greater Sense of Hope and Meaning in the Aftermath of Trauma:

Focusing on Your Inner Self is More Effective to Overcome Shame Than Focusing on Your Outer Looks:

When You Shut Down Emotional Pain, You Also Shut Down Potential Pleasure:

How Developmental Trauma Affects How You Feel About Yourself:

Trauma Therapy: Using the Container Exercise Between Psychotherapy Sessions:

Trauma Therapy: Using Grounding Techniques Between Psychotherapy Sessions:

Developing Self Compassion in Trauma Therapy With Parts Work

Embracing Your Shadow Self

Working on Developmental and Shock Trauma in Trauma Therapy:

Before and After Psychological Trauma:

How Psychotherapy Can Help You to Overcome Trauma and Develop a More Accurate Sense of Self:

Problems With Experiencing Positive Emotions: When Good Feelings Feel Bad:

How to Be Emotionally Supportive of Your Partner Who is Attending Trauma Therapy

What is Vicarious Trauma?

Slut-Shaming Women and Girls is a Form of Bullying and Sexual Harassment

Fatherless Daughters: What is the Potential Emotional Impact of Growing Up Without a Father?

Reparenting: How to Become a Good Enough Parent to Yourself

How to Stop People Pleasing So You Can Reduce Your Anxiety and Increase Your Pleasure in the Bedroom